BMC Blizzard
Looking north east we can only see the top of the crane on the Holland Street Pier. The bottom seems to be missing. To the west
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Now launching our Back to the Boats Campaign!
Looking north east we can only see the top of the crane on the Holland Street Pier. The bottom seems to be missing. To the west
Some of the Erie Boat building crew, circa 2000, with the hull still upside down in the original BMC Ice Palace. Even older, 1998, rowing in the Holland Street
Our students have been working hard on the second St. Ayles Skiff! Check out their progress at BMC's blog highlighting the two skiffs being built for Erie's inaugural Community
Rich Eisenberg represented the the Bayfront Maritime Centeron Tuesday at the 2014 Great Lakes Waterways Conference in Cleveland, as a presenter on the K-12 Maritime Education Panel. Great Lakes
Dennis Williams, BAEP principle at BMC was in the boat shop today, continuing his great work with at risk youth, and helping BMC further serve the Erie Community. The Bayfront
Some new neighbors seen out our east windows, in town for maintenance and repairs this winter at Donjon Shipbuilding & Repair.
Another group of mariners is currently attending Sea Tech Marine Training's USCG Master's License Class at the Bayfront Maritime Center. Here they are learning to plot a Three Bearing
Project SAIL, BMC's after-school program is cancelled today because of the current wind chill of -4F, 47 knot gusts, and blizzard conditions. Erie City Schools, Project SAIL and the
T-shirts are $15; all proceeds go to continuing support of BMC and its many programs.