Back to the Boats

Setting Sail in 2024 with new leadership and a renewed vision

OUR MISSION: To design and implement engaging, hands-on, maritime-themed educational, vocational, and recreational opportunities for the community in a universally accessible waterfront facility.

Back to the Boats logo

Dear Friends of BMC,

With the support of the Erie community, the Bayfront Maritime Center (BMC) has delivered enriching and transformative maritime education and programs for more than 25 years.

At BMC, we harness the craft of boatbuilding and the skills needed to maintain and operate boats, to empower individuals to become better versions of themselves.

Establishing a connection to Lake Erie through hands-on programming has never been more vital. The youth of today face mental health and social challenges and need genuine connection to nature and one another. BMC is the portal that provides them this opportunity through our programs.

Your support for BMC mission and programming is what will allow that potential to be reached.

Join the movement to bring Erie, Back to the Boats.

With gratitude,

Captain Christopher Cusson
Director of Bayfront Maritime Center

BMC 2024 Programs

Learn more about these and other programs we run on our What We Do page.

Erie Water and Maritime Education

Community Access and Connection

  • Access to boating and a connection to Lake Erie should not be hindered by physical limitations or financial constraints.
  • Our mission is dedicated to promoting accessibility and removing barriers, ensuring equal opportunities for all.
  • We view our community as a place where everyone is welcomed and belongs. Our team and dedicated volunteers warmly invite everyone, regardless of their background or abilities, to join us in our movement and mission.
Sailing and Boating for Erie

Erie Community Sailing & Boating

  • Improve access to recreational boating and sailing.
  • Reduce financial and other barriers to access.

  • Benefits include physical health, social connections, mental well-being, and community engagement.



  • BMC’s longest program serving Erie for 20 years!
  • Serves those with disabilities and provides the opportunity to sail and boat on Presque Isle Bay.
  • Only Adaptive Sailing program in PA!
  • Winner of the US Sailing Robbie Pierce Award for Outstanding Adaptive Sailing Program in 2018.

  • Expanding program to include more groups who can benefit including Veterans and Seniors etc.

Apprenticeship & mentorship program


  • Afterschool apprenticeship and mentorship program for Erie youth.

  • Employment skills and experiences.
  • Workshop and boat building skills.

  • Life skill development.

  • School support and mentorship.

Support BMC’s Back to the Boats Campaign for

Maritime Education and Community Access to Lake Erie