EASE began its 14th season of adaptive sailing on Friday June 20th! BMC started adaptive sailing in 2000, and the EASE program became established in 2001. This is the first and still the only adaptive sailing program in Pennsylvania. It serves the entire tri-state region. THANK YOU to the more than 20 dedicated EASE volunteers who organize, schedule, staff, and sail all day with the sailors, while parents, grandparents,siblings, and caregivers share in their experience while aboard the escort vessel, EASE-Y SPIRIT.
One of BMC’s EASE Hansa dinghies sailing on the best natural harbor in the entire Great Lakes, Presque Isle Bay.
Veteran racing sailor and EASE volunteer, Russ Thompson, underway with a happy young sailor.
All loaded up and ready to sail.
Having a lot of fun out on the water.
A beautiful sailing day in Erie, Pennsylvania
EASE began with fundraising help from the Junior League of Erie to purchase two Access Dinghies. Steadily growing since 2000, EASE now has 5 dinghies, which re-branded to Hansa Dinghy. The 6th vessel is paid for and on its way thanks in part to grants from the Autism Society-Northwest Pennsylvania and other generous donations. This will enable program expansion to include more sailors.
Family members and siblings participate in EASE aboard EASE-Y SPIRIT, the new safety – escort vessel. with Mike Eisert at the helm.
USCG inspected passenger vessel #1168495, EASE-Y SPIRIT.
EASE-Y SPIRIT and BMC’s waterfront campus.
The 150 HP 4 stroke Honda outboard engine is clean, efficient, and quiet, while providing all the power needed to safely carry passengers, tow BMC’s side-scan sonar, and haul our students and scientific collection nets and equipment.
Since 1998
BMC’s mission is: to design and implement hands-on, maritime themed, educational, vocational and recreational activities for the community in a universally accessible waterfront facility.
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