Project-based, hands-on lessons in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) enhance a student’s comprehension of valuable skills needed to succeed in school. STEM Director, Harold Rinn, uses a ShopBot to teach each day. It is an amazing do-all tool for precisely cutting, carving, drilling or machining all kinds of things from all kinds of materials. With a ShopBot, you use software to create your project’s design, which is then precisely cut by machine. Check out our STEM page to see some of the fine work being done by students at BMC.
STEM Director, Harold Rinn, teaching a BAEP student how to create his own design.
Students are able to choose images from their favorite interests when designing their own CNC projects.
Developing skills for the future.
STEM instruction in BMC’s BoatShop.
During the summer, I coordinate a program at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College that focuses on STEM careers. The program’s participants are talented rising seniors in High School who are considering these types of careers in the future. While in the program, we take student participants (18 or so) on field trips to explore hands-on opportunities in the field that may be provided in the area. At this time, we have an opening to schedule a field trip on Thursday, July 3 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00/4:30. I was wondering if you would have any type of activities that would fit our group—even if there’s a cost associated with it. Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone to discuss. Thank you!
Andy A. Herrera, MSEdL
Director of Educational Equity & Diversity Programs
Division of Student Affairs
Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
4701 College Dr.
Erie, PA 16563
Tel: (814) 898-7101
Fax: (814) 898-6823