These photos are of students and staff working on the Schooner Porcupine.
- Students helping plane staves for the masts.
- Gaff construction
- Student drawing a birds mouth spar.
- Bottom painting
- Porcupine from the bow
- Barrier coat bottom paint
- Foremast getting epoxied together
- Students making birds mouth spar models.
- Table and benches in the forward cabin
When she was determined to be unseaworthy, she was set afire at Grand haven, MI and pushed out into Lake Michigan in an offshore breeze, only to return washed up at shore 3 days later. Her hull was then used three more years commercially as a barge. Part of the remains of the Porcupine are still detectable with a fish finder by the Spring Lake bridge near where Johnston Boilers used to be in about 12-15 foot of water. For a time after her sinking parts of her stuck out of the water and in the winter people ice skated around her. In 1913 sections of her were raised and sent on to Detroit for a museum exhibit for the War of 1812 Centennial museum exhibit. One local lady took some of her wood and made souvenir pen holders.
Thank you very much! If you have any other Schooner Porcupine news, will you please share it.